Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Nature is so beautiful. I forget how much I love to be out in it. I forget sometimes how much I love the mountains and just being able to walk and smell and see everything around me. Nature just has that heavenly feel about it. If you ever need to just to get away from the world, go up in the mountains and go for a walk. Instant content. I kinda wish I lived a little closer to the mountains just so I could go more often... But oh well. Just a random thought.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

People Are Weird

Through working at the movie theater, I have discovered that I am probably one of the most sane people ever to walk the earth. It's mildly surprising to see all the people out there and how very odd they are... And I realize how very surrounded I am by good people and how my neighborhood is absolutely wonderful. I've never had negative influences around me. It's just crazy that there is that whole world that you know is out there full of crazy people but you've just been sheltered from it for so long. High school gives you a glimpse, but it's still just mind blowing some times.
Just a random thought.