Have you ever had one of those days.... Where you just aren't happy? And you aren't sure why... But you really do know why, deep down inside, but you're just in denial because you don't want anyone else to know why it is? And every bit of your being wants to explode and say what's on your mind but you know you can't because you'll hurt someone close to you?
So how do you fix this unhappy feeling? Cause you know that no matter what you do, nothing is going to change unless you tell this person what's on your mind? But either way you go it's a losing situation! So you are just stuck in a rut. 'Cause if you tell them, they get all hurt and offended, but then if you don't tell them, nothing will get fixed and you'll remain unhappy.
So which is more important? Your happiness, or the happiness of the other person...???
And this is what happens when I think my thoughts out loud. Ta da.